『ウェビナー報告日誌 2020「G’day Mate」編 vol.3 ― 日本とオーストラリア ―』


海外での診療にも対応できる英語力の獲得を目指し、毎月異なるテーマに基づいて実践的なトレーニングを行う『G’day Mate』。












いつもと少し異なる形式でのレッスンになりましたが、誰もがすぐに順応すると、時に言葉に詰まったり表現を探したりしつつも、医療の最前線で働く先生方ならではの “生きた情報” を互いに共有し合うことができていたようでした。









その一環で、研修生の先生方との個別インタビューも行われることになりますが、今回はそれに向けた良い “顔合わせ” となったようでした。












Last night, we conducted the G’day Mate, a regular monthly webinar aimed at acquiring practical English-language skills and enhancing it through conversation-based training.



This time, we invited Ms. Takara Tsuzaki, who had been working for Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Evaluation at Western Michigan University, as a observer and this was their first meeting.


For your information, Ms. Tsuzaki had cooperated with Genepro in program evaluation of RGPJ for future improvement of our training programs’ quality and she is to conduct personal in-depth interviews with registrars after they have finished our program.




To return from the digression, we set a theme for the session yesterday: comparisons in medical settings between Australia and Japan. Interestingly, the lesson was conducted not with a role playing method as usual, but in a form of interviewing.


Actually, each of registrars endeavored to answer the question about the current healthcare settings in Japan, while they sometimes stumbled over their words. Finally, they all seemed to be enjoying the interview.



In the middle of lesson, the conversation naturally moved to COVID-19 and its impacts on medical settings in both countries. Every registrars listened attentively and curiously to the differences of circumstances between Australia and Japan.




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