『ウェビナー報告日誌 2020「G’day Mate」編 vol.1 ― 臨床推論チャレンジ ―』


オーストラリア出身のネイティブ講師、ジャスミン先生と共に診療の現場を想定した実践的な英会話力の獲得を目指す『G’day Mate』。


今回のレッスンは、来月の『GP Road Map』に向けた予習も兼ね、まずはロナルド先生が用意した症例を用いて「臨床推論」を英語で行うトレーニングから開始されました。











臨床推論で頭と身体のウォーミングアップを済ませた後は、『G’day Mate』ではお馴染みの医者役と患者役とに分かれてのロールプレイング。


患者役を務められた先生は、実際に診療に訪れた患者になりきって自らの症状を訴えましたが、医者役を務められた先生も見守っていた他の先生方も、設定された原因(疾患)が何かを推定するのに苦労されている様子でしたが、最後に “種明かし” された答えに誰もが一様に膝を打つ様子が印象的でした。






「英語」という意志疎通における “壁” を前に、互いに協力して相手の言いたいことを推し量り合い、最後には症状や検査計画に関する所見もしっかりと擦り合わせるに至りましたが、「どちらが内視鏡検査をするか」で譲り合いが発生したと思ったら、即座に「他の先生に助けを求めよう」という結論で合意してみせ、周囲からひと笑いを取る一幕も。







  ▷  I see.


  ▷  I hear you.









研修生たちと二人三脚で取り組む『G’day Mate』の更なる進化に乞うご期待です。






This month’s G’day Mate, a regular monthly online lesson focusing on improvement of English-speaking ability by Ms. Jasmine Millman as an native English speaker, was conducted yesterday.


Actually, the lesson consisted of some parts and we started it from the training of clinical reasoning as not only a warming up but also a preparation for next month’s GP Road Map by Dr. Ronald McCoy.


In the first part, the registrars were given a case history prepared by Dr. McCoy for his next webinar and worked on the clinical reasoning based on the history. It seemed that they had a little hard time expressing their opinions and mutually exchange the views in English.




And, the lesson moved on to the second part and the registrars engaged in role-playing. In the part, they grouped into pair and one of them acted a scene from clinical examination as a doctor or a patient respectively.


Then, other pair role-played a scenario that two doctors conducted clinical reasoning and making a management plan of a patient.


Although the language barrier always stood in their way through the lesson, all the registrars cooperate with each other and struggle to take his/her points mutually. Finally, it seemed that they managed to overcome the barrier.



In the last part of the lesson, Ms. Millman solicited ideas about how to improve the quality of the lesson from registrars and we had some constructive feedback. So, stay tuned to our evolving G’day Mate!




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