『ウェビナー報告日誌 2023「G’day Mate」編 vol.2 ― 診療所での診察 ―』


オーストラリア人のネイティブ講師、ジャスミン先生と一緒に「海外の医療現場でも通用する英会話力」の獲得を目指すためのウェビナー『G’day Mate』。












ちょうど先日にはロナルド先生による『GP Road Map』にて、研修生方は「診察の型」について学んでいたこともあり、ロールプレイはその「型」をなぞる形で進行。座学で学んだ「知識」を、実践的な「経験」に落とし込む絶好の機会となりました。



時に患者役の訴える”変化球”のような症状や悩みに医者役の先生が目を丸くしたり、時に医者役の鋭い指摘や質問に逆に患者役の先生が回答に窮してしまったり、と──。『G’day Mate』における、ある意味では「風物詩」とも言える和気あいあいとした光景が、今期もまた繰り広げられることとなりました。
















The other day, we again held a webinar that has been already familiar to the readers of this site and is always beneficial for the registrars in improving their English conversation abilities: the G’day Mate


In the session, the registrars conducted a role-playing and simulated the medical examination in clinics/hospitals.



In fact, the “patients” occasionally told bizarre complaints willingly or not, so the “doctors” stared in wonder, and vice versa. Of course, they are always serious and proactive in communicating with each other. 


Interestingly enough, it could be said that those relaxed mix-ups are a kind of charming sights in the G’day Mate.



On the other hand, a free talk time was also given to the registrars late in the session. Everyone mutually shared memorable cases or experiences related to the three topics that were covered in the role-playing: shoulder pain, headache and tiredness.   


Finally, it seemed that the registrars again managed to enhance not only their conversation skills but also their wisdom throughout two different types of trainings.






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