『ウェビナー報告日誌 2020「G’day Mate」編 vol.5 ― Ethical Problem ―』


海外の医療現場においても、過不足なくコミュニケーションの取れる英語力の体得を目指すオンライン英会話ウェビナー『G’day Mate』。


これまでも毎回異なるテーマの下、ロールプレイング形式による即興的な英会話トレーニングを行ってきましたが、今回は「頭痛と咳(headache and cough)」というテーマでのロールプレイングに加え、「倫理的問題(ethical problem)」に関するディスカッションも行われました。


































【 状況説明 】







【 設問 】





















The G’day Mate, the web session focusing on building up practical English skills and knowledge through practical approaches such as role-playing or discussion and so on, was conducted last week again.


Actually, this time the session consisted of two parts and each parts had a main topic respectively: “headache and cough” and “ethical problems”. 




In the first part, the registrars divided into a pair and enjoyed their role-playing training as always. Obviously, their conversation in English seemed much more fluent compared to before and their vocabulary had been enhanced, too.



Ms. Millman delightedly pointed it out and praised their development so much, then she also gave the registrars an advice for further development: When you talk with patients, you should use more common words and phrases.


Actually, the registrars unconsciously used technical terms or phrases often in their conversation in the role-playing. So, she emphasized the importance of making happy choice of the words according to the person with whom talked for better communication and comprehension between doctors and patients.




And, in the second part, the registrars participated in the discussion about the topics that was ethically and medicolegally difficult to make a decision.


Amazingly enough, the question seemed really difficult to debate even in our mother language, but the registrars were able to express their opinions and exchanged it in English. Without any doubt, they sufficiently made out discussion about the puzzle.



Throughout the session, we often were able to made sure the registrar’s improvements not only in their English skills, but also in their aggressiveness toward communication with others in English.




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