『ゲネプロ第1期生、出航 ―The First RGPJ Registrars Unanchored―』

おかげさまで本日、ゲネプロの「Rural Generalist Program Japan(RGPJ)」が、無事に船出を迎えることができました。














宿毛市の沖合に浮かぶ小さな離島、沖の島。離島医療の “いま” に、あらためてしっかりと触れてきたいと思います。



Thanks to all of you, the RGPJ(Rural Generalist Program Japan)have up-anchored successfully, today!


With soothing my anxious mind not to worry about them excessively, today I visited Kochi prefecture and Ooida Hospital, which is the one of the candidate site of the clinical training for RGPJ registrars.


Everyday, many patients come to the hospital with various symptoms and complaints. So, doctors have to, like it or not, tackle with each and every cases.

I think this environment is ideal for the registrars to learn and experience minor emergencies: the techniques that is required of GPs.


By the way, Ooida Hospital has sent doctors once a week to Tosa Okinoshima Island, a small island located near Sukumo-city, for medical examination of the islander for a long time.

Tomorrow, I will go along with the visit and see the current situation of island medicine in Japan.



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