『第4回「Be A Better Doctor」―“Be A Better Doctor” Vol.4 by Dr. Lachlan McIver 』

第4回目となる『Be a Better Doctor(オーストラリア講師陣による月例オンライン講義)』のトピックスは、「Global Health(グローバルヘルス)」。

太平洋諸島の途上国における医療支援・へき地医療教育を構築するNPO「ROCKET+SHIP Pacific」の創設者であり、「WHO」や「国境なき医師団」において医療顧問としても活躍するロックラン・マクアイヴァ―医師を講師に迎えて行われました。



  • Be able to describe the current global health landscape
  • Understand the major trends affecting global health, including critical needs and opportunities
  • Become leaders and champions for global health














しかしながら、現実は “ニーズ” と “与えるもの” とが噛み合わず、格差は広がる一方の状況にあるとのこと。


ロッキーの講義に対する真摯な姿勢のおかげで、今回のBe a Better Doctorも、熱意とスリルに溢れた非常に刺激的な講義となりました。



The other day, the 4th “Be a Better Doctor”, a monthly online lecture supervised by Australian Rural GPs, had held.

This time, Dr. Lachlan McIver, who had been working at WHO and Medecins Sans Frontieres as a medical adviser, played a role as a lecturer.

For your information, he had also set up “ROCKET+SHIP Pacific”, an NPO established in order to strengthen primary healthcare systems in the Pacific island regions, and also had been playing an important role in education of primary healthcare in Vanuatu and East Timor.


By the way, the main topics of the lecture was “Global Health”.

The registrars earnestly listened to what Lachlan taught and learned about global health from various aspects, under the 3 main themes below:

  • Be able to describe the current global health landscape
  • Understand the major trends affecting global health, including critical needs and opportunities
  • Become leaders and champions for global health


In the lecture, Lachlan emphasized the importance of grasping the differences between “Inequity” and “Inequality” semantically, when we think about the public health and global health.


In the context of global health, he said, Equity means “to provide something with others so as to allow everyone eventually to reach the same level, depending on their needs”.

On the other hand, Equality means “to provide something with everyone evenly, regardless of their needs”.

Sadly, however, as the needs and the provided often discord with each other in the reality, so the gap among the people has gradually been widened.

He taught us the current “reality” of healthcare in many of developing countries.


He always has a broad and global perspective, so his lecture always broaden our horizons, too.

Thank you so much for a great lecture and dedication, Lachlan!



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