『海外という最高の修行場へ ―For RGPJ Registrars―』


RGPJの研修生は、年に1回、オーストラリアで開催されるへき地医療のカンファレンス「RDAQ Annual Conference」に参加できます。



そして、へき地医療のワークショップ「RVTS AMS & Remote Workshop」にも、RGPJ研修生のための参加枠を、2枠用意していただきました。








Genepro provides the registrars with the system where they could participate in various hands-on trainings, workshops and academic conferences held in foreign countries.


For example, the registrars could attend at the annual conference of rural medicine held in Australia: RDAQ Annual Conference.

This year, the conference invited Dr. Adrian McCallum, a specialist of rural areas including Antarctica, as a guest speaker.


In addition, we will offer you an opportunity to participate in the workshops that is to be held in Bristbane this year: RVTS AMS & Remote workshop.

In the workshop, the participants will be able to learn and experience many and various cases in the rural remote areas.


We will support those who would like to participate in whichever of the two events both from economic and emotional aspects.


We would like to construct a framework for assisting and supporting passionate doctors in Japan and the world!



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