『ウェビナー報告日誌 2022「G’day Mate」編 vol.4 ― 症例検討とディスカッション ―』


オーストラリア人のネイティブ講師、ジャスミン先生と海外の医療現場でも通用する英語力の獲得を目指すためのウェビナー『G’ day Mate』。

























The G’day Mate, a series of online sessions aiming at enhancing general and passable English communication skills even in medical settings, was conducted again, the other day.


Needless to say, the session was moderated by Ms. Millman and the registrars took on case studies and discussion, this time. Of course, only English is OK during the session and they had a crack at the task with getting the best from theirselves.



Actually, it seemed never easy for them to conduct a case study well even in Japanese. In that sense, the task of this session were more challenging for them compared to other tasks that Ms, Millman had given thus far.


Fortunately enough, every registrars took on it without flinching and showed us positive progress in their communication skills in English, although they had not been always fluent in the session.


In fact, they not only spoke English proactively but also struggled to deliver what they would like to tell throughout the session. Obviously, it seemed that they had successfully dealt with that difficult task, eventually.



Their attitudes and achievements allow us to pause to realize the importance of “positiveness” in communication with others, regardless of language itself.





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