『ウェビナー報告日誌 2023「Registrar’s Lecture」編 vol.5 ― ウェビナー総復習 ―』



様々な形式の取り組みを通じて総合診療医としての成長を促すための「研修生の、研修生による、研修生のためのウェビナー」こと『Registrar’s Lecture』。


















なお、光陰矢の如しとはよく言ったもので、全10回にわたり実施されてきた『Registrar’s Lecture』も今回で最終回を迎えることとなりましたが、来月には『Rural Generalist Program Japan(RGPJ)』における最後の“山場”──「卒業試験」も控えています。











Again this month, we proudly conducted a webinar of the registrars, by the registrars, for the registrars, which focused on enhancing their abilities as a GP: the Registrar’s Lecture.



As a matter of fact, the theme of this session was “review”.


Literally, the registrars reviewed the contents of the webinars where they had participated in this one year. Then, their absorption of knowledge and deepening of understanding were encouraged.





For this session, each registrar had picked up one session from all the past webinars respectively and had summarized it briefly into the way that is visually easy to review beforehand.


Moreover, their short presentations not only wrap up the content it self but also sprinkled supplements that they had researched on their own motive.



Thanks to their aggressiveness, it seemed that this special review session gave everyone further momentum to the final exam that is scheduled on next month.





We hope all of them would successfully graduate from our program with big and bright smile, from the bottom of heart.








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