『ウェビナー報告日誌 2023「G’day Mate」編 vol.3 ― ワークショップ報告 ―』
オーストラリア人のネイティブ講師、ジャスミン先生と一緒に「海外の現場でも通用する英語力の涵養」を図るためのウェビナー『G’day Mate』。
The G’day Mate, one of our regular monthly webinar to enhance English abilities and capabilities in preparation for the time the registrars go to abroad as a doctor, was again conducted by Ms. Jasmine Millman, the other day.
This time, the session was progressed in the form of debriefing.
As a matter of fact, the regular workshop hosted by RVTS had been held in Brisbane last month, and Dr. Maruyama and Dr. Tanaka had participated in it.
Therefore, they gave a presentation for the other registrars who couldn’t be there and sought to conduct information sharing.
Moreover, in the Q&A session after the presentations, what everyone was the most interested in is “cultural difference” between Japan and Australia.
What I had felt interesting the most is the workshop offered “gun-related medicine” which is very rare case in Japan as if it were air, Dr. Maruyama said in his presentation.
Thanks to their aggressiveness and curiosity, the discussion covered not only about Japan and Australia, but also about various “cultural differences”, such as “regional (cultural) differences even in Japan” or “Chinese medicine” that is rooted in a culture and discipline very different from that of Western.
So, the discussion was lively and everyone was able to spend fruitful time again, in the end.