『ウェビナー報告日誌 2021「G’day Mate」編 vol.2 ― 機会を生かした健康増進 ―』


海外で実際に医師として働くために必要な英語力を獲得すべく、オーストラリア人のネイティブ講師と一緒に実戦的な英会話のレッスンを行う『G’day Mate』。

















診察の型(Consultation Model)





  Ice breaker: 患者さんと打ち解けるための世間話のような会話




  How may I help you today?(今日はどうされましたか?)

    ┗ 患者さんに1分間ほど喋ってもらう












  Any other issues?(ほかに何かありますか?)

















しかしながら、既に前半で英語を話すことへの抵抗も薄れ、“英会話エンジン” も十分に暖まっていた上、ジャスミン先生が上手に会話の流れをサポートしてくださったこともあり、三人ともに肩の力を抜いて、純粋に英語での会話を楽しんでいるように見受けられました。










The G’day Mate, one of our regular monthly webinars focusing enhancement of the communication skills in English in preparation for future opportunities that work as doctor in foreign countries, was successfully conducted again, the other day.


The theme of the lesson was “Opportunistic health promotion”. So, the registrars who played a role as doctors, as always, endeavored to ask the patient and find out the cause of their complaints, firstly.  Everything was fine until then, but new challenge confronted the registrars when they tried to encourage patients to improve their daily habits.



In the first place, it is usually so difficult for doctors to make their patients change their living habits even in their mother tongue. The registrars, however, struggled to tell patients the risks of their unhealthy lifestyle and lead them to quit neglect of health very proactively, without any fear of failure.


Eventually, all thanks to their positive and aggressive attitude toward the lesson, all the registrars eased the tension in their shoulders and they purely enjoyed the conversation itself in English each other in the last thirty minutes or so.



Actually, only three registrars were able to participate in the lesson. Although it was surely unfortunate that other five registrars were not able to attend at the lesson, it must have been fortunate for the three because they were able to gain much opportunities to talk in English and receive more detailed advices from Ms. Millman than usual.





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