皆さんは、「RTP(Regional Training Providers)」という言葉をご存知でしょうか。RTPとは、“総合診療医のための教育提供機関” のことであり、従来は大学の関与するものではありませんでした。

しかしながら、ジェームズクック大学は昨年、「GMT(Generalist Medical Training)」というRTPを新たに設立。世界のへき地医療をリードするオーストラリアにおいてさえも、初の試みとなりました。


我々ゲネプロも順天堂大学とタッグを組み、地域枠の医学生や研修生にトレーニングを提供する “日本版GMT” の創設を目指したいと思っています。



また、新たなRTPの設立は、「RGPJ(Rural Generalist Program Japan)」を民間のモノから公的なモノへと転換させる1つの試みでもあります。




Last year, James Cook University (JCU) has established “GMT (Generalist Medical Training)” as an “RTP (Regional Training Providers)” .

Remarkably, that was the first time that a university established an RTP even in Australia, a world-leading country in the field of rural remote medicine.


By the way, the importance and demand of the collaboration between universities and community healthcare systems also came up for discussion at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education, in which I participated the other day.

Actually, we Genepro is also to begin establishing “Japanese version of GMT” in partnership with Juntendo University, Japan.

As the first step of the plan, we are going to invite Prof. Tarun Sen Gupta from JCU to Japan and hold a kickoff meeting next spring.


I strongly hope that the new RTP could contribute to the solution of educational problems that lies in rural areas and remote islands in Japan.



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