『英語は筋トレ ―Learning English Is Like A Muscle Training―』
『英語は筋トレ』とは、京都大学アメフト部出身でライスボウルへの出場経験を持ち、今はアメリカで “がんのプロフェッショナル” として活躍している白井 敬祐先生の言葉。
皆、頑張れ!きっとRGPJ研修生も、来年の今頃には上の写真のような「RFDS(Royal Flying Doctor Service)」の一員として、オーストラリアの荒野に立っていることでしょう。
The other day, the English lesson for RGPJ registrars has begun. So, now they have proactively participated in the lessons with arranging their schedules in a busy life.
“Learning English is like a muscle training”, said Dr. Keisuke Shirai, who played American football in earnest at Kyoto University and has now worked as a “cancer professional” in the US.
We are planing to invite him to attend remotely at our training program and give a lecture for the registrars in the near future.
Go for it, RGPJ registrars! I believe everyone will have worked as a member of “RFDS(Royal Flying Doctor Service)”, like the picture above, in Australia by this time next year!
Actually, we have now been negotiating with persons concerned so as to let the registrars directly engage in the RFDS’ tasks and missions.