『ヘリパッドの上の地球人 ―Earthians on The Helipad―』
今朝は、Thursday Island Hospitalと、サムが責任者を務めるPrimary Health Care Centreとの合同朝礼に参加させていただきました。
“Dr.コトー” こと瀬戸上先生が怪我をした際に、代診医が見つからなかったこと。
さらに、「ACRRM(豪州へき地医療学会)」やジェームズクック大学、「Queensland Health」などの指導陣が、ゲネプロや「RGPJ」に手厚く熱心なサポートをしてくれるに至った経緯。
嬉しいことに、現場にいたRural Generalistや医学生たちからは多くの質問を頂き、プレゼンテーションは盛り上がりを見せました。
ですが、最大の山場は、やはりThursday Island Hospitalの院長との議論であったように思われます。
さて、明日は木曜島を離れてケアンズに移動し、数日後に開幕を迎える「Rural Wonca 2017」での “RGPJお披露目発表会” に備えたいと思います。
In the morning on the third day, I participated in the joint morning meeting of Thursday Island Hospital and Primary Health Care Centre, which Sam has served as head of.
At the meeting, I could get an opportunity to give a speech, so I did a small presentation there.
What I talked in the presentation are the following:
- When “Dr. Koto” had gotten injured, no locum doctors had been found in Japan.
- I had found the model of the rural and remote medical system in Australia. And, the reason why Japan should proactively take a cue from the system.
- How and why we Genepro and the Rural Generalist Program Japan (RGPJ) had fortunately gained pillars of support, including ACRRM, James Cook University and Queensland Health.
- Thanks to all supports, we had finally been able to launch RGPJ in this pas April.
As many attendees thankfully took an interest and threw questions at me, the presentation was ended on a high note.
The biggest climax of it, however, seemed to be the discussion with the director of Thursday Hospital Island.
In the discussion, he understood my feelings that I would like to give the registrars as many of opportunities as possible to grow as a doctor through the future training in Thursday Island.
He seriously considered my ambition and made many proposals to make it a reality in the future.
“Here, the island medicine is now being developed and provided by many doctors who had gathered at a helipad in Australia from various countries, including the UK, South Africa, New Zealand and Japan”, said the director at the end of meeting.
Actually, the discussion has now been in progress.