『ウェビナー報告日誌 2022「Registrar’s Lecture」編 vol.3 ― プライマリケア ―』
事例の共有や症例の検討などを通じて互いの研鑽を図ることを目的とした、研修生の研修生による研修生のためのウェビナー『Registrar’s Lecture』。
今回は、ともに上五島病院で研修中の高岡 沙知先生と松﨑 香子先生のコンビが共同で発表者を務め、「Communicator」をテーマとしたディスカッションが実施されました。
「Communicator」とは、「CanMEDs Framework」に掲げられている「医師の担うべき役割・備わるべき能力」の一つであり、そこでは「よりよい医療を実現するために必要な、患者やその家族との適切な関係性の構築」に関する能力や考え方などが示されています。
出典:The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
The other day, we conducted one of our regular webinar for registrars aiming at improving both skills and mind-sets of the registrars as rural GPs: The Registrars’ Lecture.
In the session, Dr. Matsuzaki and Takaoka played an role of presenters and they talked about “Communicator“, one of important abilities or roles that described in the CanMEDs framework.
The framework identifies the abilities required by physicians to effectively meet the health care needs of people they serve.
Also, Dr. Takaoka divided all registrars into two small groups and everyone shared their experiences related to or troubles caused by inadequate communication with patients, firstly.
Then, they took part in the discussion in order to seek the better solutions for preventing or minimizing those kinds of troubles in each group.
At the end of the session, they got together again and share the “answer” that they discussed.
Interestingly enough, both teams reached to almost the same “answer”: Nothing is more important to treat patients and families in an honest, sincere manner regardless of cause or circumstances.