『離島へき地で働く医師にお勧めのコース ―A Good Training Course for Rural GPs―』
今回、札幌東徳洲会病院が主催する『SENCE(Sapporo East Tokushukai Hospital Neurologic Course for Emergency)』に参加してきました。
“救急医がお届けする研修医のための神経救急のセンスを磨くトレーニングコース” と銘打たれるSENCEは、福井大学で救急を学ばれた増井伸高先生がディレクターを務められており、今回で第6回目の開催となります。
- 画像に頼らないめまい診察伝授
- NIHSSのトラブルシューター
- 麻痺患者のピンポイント読影術
- ERから専門医へ、脳卒中アップデート
- 軽傷頭部外傷とその方針
Yesterday, I participated in “SENCE (Sapporo East Tokushukai Hospital Neurologic Course for Emergency)”, the training course that has been hosted by Sapporo Higashi Tokushukai Hospital.
Although it is said that the SENCE has been held for the registrars, the programs of the course, actually, was really useful to update my knowledge on emergency medicine.
Especially, I fascinatingly learned about topics related to stroke and head injuries; the guidelines of the two cases has always been updated, so that it is usually difficult for doctors to learn about it all alone.
In that context, the programs gave me what I would really like to have learned.
By the way, the programs of the SENCE are to be published in next April. I’m already looking forward to the release date.