『へき地でしか取れない難関な専門医資格 ―RVTS―』

離島・へき地で勤務しながら専門医資格を取得できる仕組み ――「RVTS(Remote Vocational Training Scheme)」












まさに、オーストラリアにそびえ立つ “狭き門” といったところでしょうか。


さて、ゲネプロの提供する教育プログラム「RGPJ(Rural Generalist Program Japan)」は、このRVTSをモデルとしています。



そして今回、RVTSのワークショップ(Remote Stream Workshop)に招待していただき、ワークショップ後に催される晩餐の席にて「日本のへき地医療の現状とRGPJが目指すもの」について講演する機会と栄誉を得ました。

年間22名のRemote Stream Workshopで学ぶ研修生が一堂に会するワークショップに実際に参加し、日本のへき地医療教育にどのように還元できるか実際に見て確かめてまいります。


また、RGPJの研修生には、RVTSで学ぶへき地医師の診療に参加する短期研修も用意します。ぜひ、臆することなく “他流試合” に挑戦してきてください。



If you are seeking for the way to get qualified as a specialist while working at rural and remote areas, the “RVTS(Remote Vocational Training Scheme)” should suit you.


The other day, Dr. Patrick Giddings, who is the founder of RVTS, received the prestigious distinguished service award relevant to rural and remote medicine at the Australia Day ceremony.


The gist of RVTS consists of two main training programs: the 30 webinars a year for deepening their knowledge and the 2 workshops a year for enhancing ther skills.

After completing the 4-year program, those registrars could acquire a right to take the exam for a specialist of rural and remote medicine.

The acceptance rate of it,however, is not very high. It definitely is a “strait gait”.


By the way, our RGPJ(Rural Generalist Program Japan) is modeled on RVTS.

Now, supporting the registrars who is going to visit and serve in the rural and remote areas have become a major part of our business. But, in the future, we would like to play a role as an education provider for the doctors who have been serving in those areas.


As well, this time I was invited to the Remote Stream Workshop that will soon be held by RVTS in Sydney; there, I am to give a speech on the current situaion of healthcare in rural and remote areas in Japan and what RGPJ aims to.

I would love to absorb and introduce anything that is beneficial and helpful for enhancing the Japanese rural healthcare education system from the workshop and participants.


Interestingly enough, while the doctors is participating the RVTS workshops, the locum doctors will be dispatched to each areas for compensating for their absence.

This is no wonder, since RVTS programs is an entrusted business from the Australian Governmnent.


After all, it should be said that the education of rural and remote medicine is a national policy for the country.



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