『南オーストラリアから ―Be A Better Doctor―』
昨日、オーストラリアのスーパーバイザーによる月1回の定例オンラインディスカッション『Be a Better Doctor』を実施しました。
今回、講師を務めてくれたのは、南オーストラリアでRural GPとして活躍し、「RDASA(南オーストラリア州へき地位医師会)」の会長も務めるジェリー・コンシダイン先生。
以前、交換留学生として広島に住んでいた経験を持つジェリーは、時に日本語も交えながら、実際に自身も医師兼パイロットとして従事する「Flying Doctor」での経験などについて、熱く語ってくれました。
『Core Clinical Training』
・島田総合病院 残り1枠
『Primary Rural and Remote Training』
・宮上病院 残り1枠
・大井田病院 残り1枠
『Advanced Specialised Training』
Yesterday, we held a monthly online discussion, “Be a Better Doctor”.
To the discussion, we invited Dr. Gerry Considine as a supervisor, who works as a Rural GP in Australia and serves as a president of “RDASA(Rural Doctor’s Association of South Australia)”.
Actually, he once had been lived and studied in Hiroshima prefecture through the use of a foreign exchange program.
From how to cope with skin cancer to the way to create a diversion, he taught and talked to the registrars about various topics with Japanese and humor.
So, every stories he told to the registrars were very practical and educational. The discussion, however, came to a climax when he talked about the story that he had indeed experienced in the line of duty as a Flying Doctor!
Anyway, the short video above is the introductory part of the discussion. I would like to share it with you all. So, please check it, if you are interested in it.