『兄弟、来日 ―Welcome Our Comrades to Japan―』

















ラクランは、太平洋諸島におけるプライマリヘルスケア(primary healthcare)システムの強化を目的としたNPOである「ROCKET+SHIP Pacific」を立ち上げた人物であり、バヌアツや東ティモールのへき地医療教育を双肩に担う男でもあります。




もはやラクランとは、同志を超えた兄弟のような感覚を共有しているが、海外では我々のような関係性のことを “ブロマンス(bromance)” と言うのだそうだ。



そんな “兄弟” との再会の場には、「日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会」にて「島嶼及び僻地医療委員会」の委員長を務める本村和久先生も、わざわざ沖縄から駆け付けてくださいました。

さらに、オーストラリアから訪日中の “へき地専門医” であるサムもそこに加わり、尽きることない話に打ち興じた我々は、気付けば4次会までもつれ込むことに。






To my delight, Ruth Stewart, who is the president of Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), had come to Japan!

So, I immediately decided to hold a little welcome party and invited her to it. Thankfully, she agreeably accepted my invitation.


After I considered plans on the party, finally I decided to welcome her at my old favorite Yakiniku restarurant which has been run by a husband and wife, Yakiniku Kuruma.

I visited Kuruma for the first time when I was a medical student. At that time, I had worked part-time as a home teacher and went there in order to tutor their child.

They treated me very kindly, so they have been a kind of parents for me.

This was an memorable encounter with Kuruma and them.


Sad to say, I hadn’t seen them for a very long time after I graduated the university.

Thanks to Ruth, however, I could have a reunion with them after almost 20 years of separation! Thanks so much, Ruth!


In addition to Ruth’s visiting, this time my “brother”, Lachlan McIver had also come to Japan.

He is a president of “ROCKET+SHIP Pacific”, which is an NPO whose aim is to strengthen primary healthcare systems in the Pacific island regions, and also has plays an important role in education of primary healthcare in Vanuatu and East Timor.


By the way, we had a fateful encounter in Croatia in 2015. Thankfully, he took me to the medical forefronts across the globe and finally we could developed a rapport with each other.

Now, he is more than a comrade; rather he is a kind of my brother. Incidentally, Lachlan taught me that the relationship like ours often calls “bromance” in English. Haha.


But I digress. This time, I got together with Lachlan, Sam Jones and Dr. Kazuhisa Motomura, who is the president of the board related to medicine in islands and remote areas in Japan Primary Care Assosiation, and we animatedly debated into wee hours!


Without doubt, it was a really stimulating and fruitful time with very congenial atmosphere for me. Thank you all from my heart!



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