『Health for All ―グローバルヘルスにおける予防接種―』

月例のオンライン講義『Be a Better Doctor』も、今回で早くも5回目の開催となりましたが、今月は、安田直史先生を特別ゲストにお迎えしました。

安田先生は、大阪で消化器外科医として40歳まで勤務された後、渡米してMPH(Master of Public Health)の学位を取得。




さて、今回のBe a Better Doctorのテーマは、「グローバルヘルスにおける予防接種について」でした。

キーワードは、“Health for All(すべての人々に健康を)” 。これは、WHOが掲げるプライマリ・ヘルス・ケアにおける理念ですが、安田先生ご自身のキャリアにおけるゴールでもあるとのこと。






  • 事前プランの構築:Decentralized Microplanning(最前線で働く医療従事者が集まり、全集落の予防接種カバー率を分析し、接種率が低い集落を集中的にカバーする計画を立てる)
  • フォローアップ:Supportive Supervision(住民の話を聞いて、問題解決の指導を行う)
  • テクノロジー:Data Analysis(GIS(地理情報システム)などを駆使し、カバー状況の分析を行う)





The 5th “Be a Better Doctor”, a monthly online lecture supervised by Australian Rural GPs, was held, the other day.


This time, we invited Dr. Tadashi Yasuda, who had been working as a specialist of HIV/AIDS, Health and Nutrition at UNICEF for a long time, to the lecture as a special guest.

Moreover, he had been engaging in various projects by National Center for Global Health and Medicine and JICA for years while staying for a short or long time in around 30 countries.


Well, the main theme of the lecture was “Vaccination in global health”.

In the lecture, he told and asked the registrars about how we could or should do to have every children in the developing countries receive vaccination.

After a short discussion, he concluded that it is crucial to improve the current issues from the aspect of policy and systems of the country.

Also, this time he talked about the three major components that has been required to generalize the vaccination in developing countries. The following are the brief summary:

  • Decentralized Microplanning  
  • Supportive Supervision
  • Data Analysis


Thank you so much for a great and evocative lecture, Dr. Yasuda!



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