『12年ぶりの再会 ―The Reunion after 12 Years―』
「国家」と「地域」。様々な尺度や観点の異なるこの2つを、どのように “融合” させれば良いのかなど、井上先生にはこれからも色々なことを教えていただきたいと思います。
This time, I was fortunately given the opportunity to be reunited with Dr. Nobuaki Inoue after 12 years!
I met him in Hawaii for the first time, when I had only just begun to learn emergency medicine in Okinawa Prefecture.
Now, he has engaged in the training program on “Pediatric Basic Life Support(PBLS)” in Mongol, as a part of projects initiated by JICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency).
Well, we talked cheerfully with each other about various topics, including from our reminiscences to vison for the future, or what we had experienced in this 12 years.
In the lively conversation, we could share with the same dream that “we would like to contribute something to the healthcare in regions in the future”. This pleased me the most.
From now on, I would like to learn many things from him, and absorb as much of know-how or knowledge that he has accumulated through his career as possible!