『RGPJ第1期生、RVTSデビュー ―RGPJ Registrars Has Debuted at RVTS』
RGPJ第1期生の森田順先生と石飛奈津子先生の両名と共に、オーストラリアのブリスベンにて開催される「Remote Vocational Training Scheme(RVTS)」のワークショップに参加してまいりました!
RVTSの創設者であるパトリック・ギディングズ氏に “International Guest(海外からの招待客)” として紹介していただき、参加者の皆さんにはとても暖かく迎え入れていただけました。
This time, I was, thankfully, invited to the workshop conducted by RVTS(Remote Vocational Training Scheme) at Brisbane, Australia and participated in it with Dr. Jun Morita and Dr. Natsuko Ishitobi, the registrars of RGPJ(Rural Generalist Program Japan).
At the venue, Dr. Patrick Giddings, who is the founder of RVTS, introduced us as “the international guests” and everyone there offered a warm welcome to us.
To my surprise, this was the first time for RVTS to invite visitors from foreign country to attend at their workshop!
Moreover, Dr. Morita and Dr. Ishitobi had the opportunity to make a presentation at the formal dinner that was held after the workshop.
Although both of them looked tense and nervous, in fact they were so, they pulled off the presentation.
By the way, we are to visit Emerald Hospital as a observation-cum-study from tomorrow; Emerald is, actually, the place where Dr. Ewen McPhee had played an important role in the community health for nearly 30 years.
We would like to exploit this big chance to enhance both skills and consciousness as a Rural Generalist!