『へき地医療に必要なマネジメントスキル ―Management Skills for Rural Remote Medicine―』
今日は、オーストラリアはクイーンズランド州にあるエメラルドにまで、RGPJ(Rural Generalist Program Japan)第1期生の2人と視察に訪れました。
なお、へき地専門医(Rural Generalist)の質の向上に努めてきたエメラルド病院では、遠隔医療(Tele Health)システムの活用および搬送体制の整備により、今や年間350件もの分娩をGP産婦人科医だけで対応しているほか、手術においてはGP麻酔科医が麻酔をかけています。
また、CSCF(Clinical Service Capability Framework)と呼ばれるオーストラリア全土にある病院の診療範囲をレベル1からレベル6までの6段階で定義した枠組みにおいて、エメラルド病院は「レベル3」に該当しています。
Today, I visited the Emerald Hospital, a hospital that is located in Emerald, Queensland and has been a role model in rural remote medicine in Australia, with two registrars of RGPJ(Rural Generalis Program Japan) .
Thankfully, Dr. Julian, the director of the hospital, applied to be a guide for us.
Through the observation-cum-study there, we learned that the hospital had struggled with the issue of how to enhance the quality of rural generalists for a long time, and their efforts have borne fruit currently.
Now, GP obsterican and gynecologists who worked at the hospital experiences more than 350 deliveries per year and the anesthetic in operations is administered by GP anesthesiologist.
Furthremore, what I was surprised at and impressed with was the fact that everyone who worked there had strong motivation to enhance their skills and knowledge which is required for them to deal with various and unexpected cases.
Also, you could learn about the medical management, the essential for a better rural remote medicine, at Emerald Hospital.