『頼れる「親父」が、もう1人 ―A New Dependable “Daddy”―』
また、定期的に “藤谷塾” を益田市にて開催し、益田市医師会病院に勤務する診療看護師(NP)の教育も視察するほか、遠隔医療による指導など、同プログラムの質を担保する上で強力な後ろ盾となってくださいます。
A new dependable “Daddy”, Dr. Shigeki Fujitani who were born in Masuda city, has fortunately joined in and supported our “Daddy’s Back” program, today!
Dr. Fujitani had involved in the establishment and operation of Tokyobay UrayasuIchikawa Medical Center, which has now been known as one of the most well-reputed hospital in Japan.
And, he has now been professor at St. Marianna University School of Medicine and taught about emergency medicine.
Moreover, he thankfully offered and promised his cooperation to us and the program from various aspects and with a range of ways.
We indeed welcome the participation of him from the bottom of our heart!