『ワークショップ開催決定 ―Workshops Supervised by The RDAA President』



イーウェン先生は、オーストラリアのエメラルドというへき地において、もう30年間近くもRural GPとして手腕を振るってきた大ベテラン。








The president of “RDAA(Rural Doctors Association of Australia)” is coming soon to Chiba, Japan in order to participate in the RGPJ workshop!

On July 15th and 16th, we are to invite Dr. Ewen McPhee, the President of RDAA and hold a workshop at Shimada General Hospital, Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture, which is the one of the teaching hospitals of RGPJ.


Ewen has lived in Emerald for about 30 years and worked as a rural GP Obstetrician there. He is very gentle and broad-minded, so everyone will spontaneously look up to him, when once you meet him.

So, he looks like a “philosopher”.


If you are to participate in the workshop, please have as many of conversations as possible with Ewen and his wife, Mr.s Wendy to learn as much as possible!


By the way, the video above is a time-shift of the Webinar that Ewen and Wendy served as the presenter. Please check it as a worm-up for your ears, if time permits.



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