『Dr.コトー、「日本医師会 赤ひげ大賞」受賞! ―Dr. Koto Recieved a Great Prize! ―』

「Dr.コトー」の愛称で親しまれている瀬戸上 健二郎先生が、この度「日本医師会 赤ひげ大賞」を受賞されました!

赤ひげ大賞は、“地域に密着して人々の健康を支えている医師の功績を顕彰” するために2012年に創設された賞ですが、長年にわたり離島・へき地医療の充実と向上に尽力されてきた瀬戸上先生も、第5回受賞者の中に名を連ねていらっしゃいます。






Dr. Kenjiro Setoue, one of the person who I have looked up to as my menterreceived a great prize Red Beard Grand Prize!

He has been known familiarly as “Dr. Koto” in Japan.


The prize has been awarded to health professionals who had been committed to maintain and improve the health of people with community-based approach.


The other day, the celebration for him was held in Tokyo, and I attended at it.

Warm and cozy atmosphere was filled with the venue, so everyone, including Dr. Satoue, seemed to have a good time.

I also could shared great time and experience with many comrades.


Congratulations on receiving a prize, Dr. Koto!





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