『RGPJ、世界デビューへ ―Launching the RGPJ at World Summit on Rural Generalist Medicine― 』

「RGPJ(Rural Generalist Program Japan)」が、ついに世界へと羽ばたく日が来ました!


来る4月28日、オーストラリアのケアンズにおいて、へき地医療に関する世界的なカンファレンス「World Summit on Rural Generalist Medicine」が開催されます。



テーマは、「Launch the Rural Generalist Program: Japan」。RGPJの存在と意義、そして目指すべき場所を世界に向けて強く発信してこようと思います。





そして、「ROCKET+SHIP Pacific」を立ち上げ、現在は国境なき医師団(MSF)のジュネーブ本部に勤務するロックラン・マクアイヴァーに、“Rural Genralist(へき地総合診療医)” の父であり、昨年6月に引退を表明したデニス・レノックス氏

さらには、WONCA(世界家庭医機構)の大御所であるジョン・ウィン・ジョーンズ氏と、「Northern Ontario School of Medicine(NOSM)」の創立メンバーであるロジャー・シュトラッサー氏も、それぞれウェールズとカナダの地から “参戦” を表明。


また、豪クイーンズランド大学が提供する「Rural Clinical School(地方に住まう医学生のための教育機関)」の人気者であり、かつてはACRRM(オーストラリアへき地医療学会)の会長を務めていたこともあるアラン・ブルース・チャター氏も、列席者の中に名を連ねています。






Our “Rural Generalist Program Japan(RGPJ)” is going to make its global debut soon!


On April 28th, the “World Summit on Rural Generalist Medicine”, one of the most major conference on rural and remote medicine, is to be held in Cairns, Australia.

Fortunately, I could get an unique opportunity to make a 15-minute speech on the theme of “Launch the Rural Genralist Program: Japan” at the conference.


So, I will talk on and emphasize the raison d’etre of RGPJ and what the program aims to.


As well, many eminent people in the field of rural and remote healthcare is to attend at the conference. Some examples are as follow: Richard Murray, the charismatic dean of the medical school at the James Cook University.

Also, Jim Campbell, who is an executive of WHO and a pillar of G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting, and Dennis Lennox who is known as “the father of Rural Generalist”.


Plus,  Lachlan McIver, who works at MSF(Medecins San Frontieres) headqurter in Geneva and is the director of “ROCKET+SHIP Pacific“, an NPO relevant to supporting primary healthcare systems in the Pacific regions.

John Wynn-Jones and Roger Strasser, who are an leader of WONCA and a founder of “Northern Ontario School of Medicine(NOSM)”, respectively.


Furthermore, Alan Bruce Chater, who is a former president of ACRRM(Australian Collage of Rural and Remote Medicine), is also listed on the participants list.


In addtion to them, many unique and pioneers in the field and supporters of RGPJ is going to gather at the venue.

So, I’m sure the conference must be well worth watching!


Why not come and get into the spirit?



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